Sunday, September 23, 2012

Upon My Departure

What I'll be Doing

For the next few days, I'll be jetting around the country before departing for Mozambique, Africa.  The Staging Event, in Philidelphia, is where we (myself and around 60 other volunteers) will have a short introduction into what we can expect over the next few days, what's expected of us, and asked what we're thinking.  I've elected to get into Philly a day early to avoid extra stress of travel and try to get around and see the city, as I've never been.  I'm going to run up the steps in front of the Museum of Art, that's not negotiable.  Following the staging event, we fly to New York, then to Africa.

Upon arrival in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, we'll be put up in a hotel for a couple of days for a short introductory program.  Then, we'll travel a short distance outside Maputo to a village for Pre-Service Training.  PST is a 10 week program in which we'll receive language, technical, and cultural training 6 days a week.  I'm relying on this time to build an effective understanding of Portuguese, and learn the what and what not to do during my service.  Following PST, we are sworn in as Peace Corps Volunteers and are assigned to location in Mozambique where we will reside and work for 2 years.

What I'm Thinking

What the hell am I doing?!  Just kidding.  I'm finally starting to get really excited.  In 3 days, I'm going to be in Africa.  3 days.  I've heard that Mozambique is beautiful, as are the people.  I can't wait to see and meet all of them.  I also can't wait to meet the other volunteers I'm going to be spending the next 27 months of my life with.  Ahhhhh!!  This is crazy!

A part of me is terrified of the new environment I'm putting myself into.  What if I'm not what they hope for?  What if I can't learn Portuguese well enough?  How am I going to adapt to this situation?  But I'm committed.  All in.  I know that PC is going to give me all the tools I need to succeed and I have the intelligence and ability to wield those tools.  This is gonna be so awesome.

Getting Ahold of Me

A few of you have asked for an address to send letters and care packages to.  This is the main PC office in Maputo, and they'll make sure I get whatever you send.  It should take 2-4 weeks to get to me.

Dylan Shoemaker, PCV 
Corpo da Paz/U. S. Peace Corps 
C.P. 4398 
If you want to regularly write letters, just mention it in the first one and I'll describe some procedures for making the process more effective.

If you want to see me, I have a Skype account: d.shoemaker34.  Just let me know when you want to talk.  I found out Moz has widespread internet.

Adios Iowa, and Tenha Um Bom Dia Todos,

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